Archive For: Business Growth
The European Union General Data Protection Regulation (or GDPR) is a new piece of legislation from the European Union that was adopted in April of 2016 comes into effect on the 25th of May. At first glace, it can look really intimidating, it’s no small amount to take in and ... Read More March 8, 2017
Harvard Business School Professor Robert Hayes makes an interesting comment on competition between companies, and how this competition has evolved/is evolving in the new millennium. Hayes says that in the twentieth century, companies competed on price. Today they compete on quality. Yet even this is changing. In the new millennium, ... Read More February 9, 2017
When people ask, “How’s business?”, do you think things could be better? Whatever response you give to those people, you might be prompted to ask yourself if your business and your sales are growing in a way you’re happy with. For many business owners, routine scrutiny of business growth and ... Read More March 15, 2016
What do you think about when you look to hire a new employee? Ideally, you probably want someone with experience, right? I’d like to challenge that idea. Sure, experience is great and adds real value to an application, but lack of experience shouldn’t exclude candidates from being given serious consideration. My point is that you ... Read More February 2, 2016
We may be living in the digital age but that doesn’t mean we should lose the value of social contact. This is especially critical for business relations and customer service. It’s true that technology makes our lives and our work easier, but we’d all do well to remember that it is simply an enabler. No ... Read More December 31, 2015
Well, 2016 is here! And you might have just made some well-intentioned New Year’s resolutions. If past experience has taught us anything though, it’s that talking about doing something is very different from actually carrying it out. By the end of January many of us will have left our resolutions by the wayside. Well, you ... Read MoreHere’s a big tip: forget market share, set your sights on customer share. As a business owner, you’ve probably heard many times that getting one new customer costs five times as much as retaining an existing one. Why then are so many businesses putting so much money into going after new customers? The answer is ... Read More There are many reasons why most advertising doesn’t work, but the real biggie behind bad ads is the boredom factor. Think about it. So much advertising is either nothing special or nothing new. You don’t advertise to blend in, you advertise to stand out. You want to stand apart from your competitors. And yet so many businesses fall ... Read More There’s a simple solution to this question: all you have to do is ask them (and listen to what they have to say). A lot of businesses assume they know what their customers really want. Making assumptions can lead you and your business down two (sometimes connected) paths: the incorrect path and the complacent path. ... Read More